Description of published book (Grant Ujifusa Segment 1) [2:04]
Family’s history in Wyoming (Grant Ujifusa Segment 2) [1:58]
Growing up Sansei (Grant Ujifusa Segment 3) [1:21] Postwar Wyoming
Being recruited for the redress movement (Grant Ujifusa Segment 4) [1:49] 1980-1989
The emotional impact of the commission hearings (Grant Ujifusa Segment 5) [3:59] 1980-1989 New York
Getting involved with the Japanese American Citizens League (Grant Ujifusa Segment 6) [3:21] 1980-1989
Changing political alignments (Grant Ujifusa Segment 7) [5:07] Postwar
Thoughts on being a liberal Republican in the fight for redress (Grant Ujifusa Segment 8) [2:01] Postwar
Formation of Legislative Education Committee of the JACL (Grant Ujifusa Segment 9) [1:21] 1980-1989
Encountering a particularly verbose opponent while lobbying Capitol Hill (Grant Ujifusa Segment 10) [2:51] 1980-1989 Washington, D.C.
Being introduced to Senator Daniel Inouye (Grant Ujifusa Segment 11) [3:16] 1980-1989 Washington, D.C.
Working with Senator Daniel Inouye (Grant Ujifusa Segment 12) [4:27] 1980-1989 Washington, D.C.
Getting votes, what the anti-abortion movement has in common with redress (Grant Ujifusa Segment 13) [1:12] 1980-1989 Washington, D.C.
Personal impact of involvement in redress movement (Grant Ujifusa Segment 14) [1:09]
Passing the torch (Grant Ujifusa Segment 15) [2:05]