From: Macbeth, Angus
To: Grant Ujifusa
Sent: Thu, Aug 28, 2014 5:12 pm
Subject: RE: Thanks for taking my call just now
Aiko knew a great deal about the various federal archives and what was in them and was a major help in finding all sorts of relevant papers. In that sense we relied heavily on her work. On the other hand she was quite modest about expressing her own views. She made a few suggestions about the text but nothing extensive and did not do any of the drafting or general editing of the text so far as I recall. I hope that is responsive to your question. Let me know if you need anything further.
All the best and I trust you are doing well,
On Aiko from Grant:
Aiko, it seems to me, had a notable impact on Coram Nobis, but virtually none on HR 442 as it made its way through Congress and on to the President’s desk.
Why do I say that? Because neither Aiko when she was alive nor any of her partisans today can name, aside from Bob, Norm, and maybe Sparky, a single Member of the 100th Congress who had ever heard of Aiko Herzig or of her “smoking gun.” And so no impact on the passage or enactment of HR HR 442.
Can anyone specify just what document constituted Aiko’s “smoking gun”? No one can. It is a mythological piece of paper.
For more than 80 years, the real smoking gun has been visible to all. It is famously known as Executive Order 9066.